Author: admin

  • Blog Post 7

    Describe any challenges or issues that arose during the creation of your timeline and/or Google Map/Story Map. What is the added value of incorporating these types of visualizations? How can you see incorporating these into your final project? I had so much trouble incorporating the timeline into my omeka it’s…

  • Blog post 6

    I think I will do my best to incorporate all of my items into the exhibit in a way that feels natural. I will most likely just keep an exhibit for all of my pictures so people can see them in high quality deifinition, but I don’t think I will…

  • Blog Post – 3

    I personally don’t feel one way or the other about this topic because I think it is very dependent on the individual and their career path on whether they need to learn coding or not for their humanities major. This is because I don’t think it should be necessary for…

  • Blog post – 4

    Through the reading I have come to the conclusion that the owner fo the “past” or copyright is whoever has the most legal resources and money to keep the copyright to either their work or their purchased work. However, there is no one true owner of anything as copyright is…

  • Blog post – 2

    The project that I worked on for the class was the September 11 Digital Archive and honestly it is not a website that I would like to take much from. It definitely has its strenghts, such as with the amount of information it contains as well as having a myriad…

  • Ray Bradbury – Blog Post 1

    These two short stories by Ray Bradbury were very much unlike anything I have read before. I have read some scifi in my time, and I have actually read a book with a sentient house in it as well, but never one like these. I think its interesting how much…